The German Netflix series Biohackers is about genetic experiments, ethics and morals. And nerdy students.
Biohacking ist Selbstoptimierungswahn für Fortgeschrittene. Von der Überwachung des eigenen Fitness-Levels, über die Verbindung von Mensch und Maschine durch z. B. RFID-Chips und Implantate bis hin zur Manipulation der DNA – Biohacking ist eine Do-it-yourself-Bewegung, die für viele nach Science Fiction klingt. Im Grunde braucht Biohacking einen eigenen Artikel. 😉 Das Thema ist unglaublich spannend und faszinierend und umso mehr freut es mich, dass es als Stoff für eine (deutsche) Serie aufgegriffen wurde.
The story of the series is quickly told (and largely spoiler-free here, I promise): The ambitious Mia begins her medical studies at the University of Freiburg. Mia suspects that the luminary in the field of synthetic biology, Professor Dr. Lorenz, has something to do with the death of her twin brother in childhood, and makes inquiries at her chair. A not insignificant role is played by the research assistant Jasper, with whom Mia goes out to gain access to Dr. Lorenz.
During her investigation, Mia quickly immerses herself in student life with her nerdy roommates and unusual parties. Among other things, she comes into contact with luminous rats and plants, do-it-yourself implants and eye drops to expand her vision.
From my point of view, the series gives a quick insight into the topics of biohacking, morality and ethics. Even if the topic is still treated quite superficially - it gives a glimpse of what part of the future could look like and what issues we have to deal with. Biohacking refers mainly to genetics in the series. Topics like AI and Nano Bots (à Ray Kurzweil) are not covered (yet?) and here I see a lot of untapped potential thematically. The characters, especially Mia's roommates, often seem a bit too hip and exaggerated to me personally.
All in all, the series with its six episodes of 45 minutes each has absolute addictive potential and I can only warmly recommend it. The end of the first season also suggests that there will be a second season. I would wish for it.